
Kate Broke A TV At The Chicago Office During The Yak And It's Remarkable It Took This Long

It's actually remarkable it took this long to break a TV. When you think of the Yak and the office in Chicago it's a walking disaster waiting to happen. Balls flying everywhere, people bouncing around in balloons, case races etc. How on earth has it been a year without a major issue or one of those TV's being broken? 

You can't blame Kate here that's my real take away. This was bound to happen by someone the way the Yak is and that office operates dangerously toeing the line of breaking something at all times, it just happen to be Kate's number was up. Now some people are trying to put Kate's feet to the fire. 

But not me. Don't let people play with toys if you aren't prepared to deal with shit breaking. 

Free Kate!