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The National TV Audience Witnessed Philadelphia Pass The Baton To Cleveland As The Biggest Scumbag Fanbase In Sports

Jason Miller. Getty Images.

Philly fans have certainly had our fair share of "incidents". The national media loves, and will find any way, to bring up throwing snowballs at Santa Claus. There were the batteries that were thrown at JD Drew when he made his return to Veterans Stadium. You had a fan jump into the penalty box at a Flyers game to fight Tie Domi. Eagles fans cheering after the injury that ended Michael Irvin's career. We hate when these moments constantly get thrown into our faces, but we can't act like they never happened. 

The issue with Philly fans is that we're too passionate. We get carried away sometimes, and just like Natasha Bedingfield said, we release our inhibitions. We allow our emotions, and alcohol consumption, to get the best of us sometimes. But while we might be quick to pull the trigger on booing our own teams, we would never in a million years even think about cheering one of our own getting injured. But that's what we witnessed yesterday in the disgusting shithole of Cleveland. 

I'm not even exaggerating when I say Cleveland deserves to have their football team ripped away from them for this. You can have your thoughts on Deshaun Watson as a person. You can have your hatred of the guy as a football player who has been leading your team to an abysmal 1-6 start. But cheering for one of your own guys getting seriously injured out there? A guy who just put his body on the line while wearing the uniform that you and all your inbred family members have grown up your entire lives idolizing? Well that's just pathetic. 

This is a city that got bullied into changing the name of their baseball team. A city that cried like such little whiny bitches when LeBron left to finally win a few championships that you guilted the man to come back to Cleveland just to get you one. And then the first chance he got, he hightailed it right out of Cleveland again because that city is pathetic. When Deshaun Watson was first signed in Cleveland amidst all the sexual misconduct allegations, you had fans who happily turned a blind eye to it all. Some didn't even just turn a blind eye to it, but they fully leaned into it. 


So there's no "moral high ground" for Cleveland to stand on for cheering the injury. They're not cheering because a man who took advantage of 20 women sexually ended up getting hurt. They're cheering because a guy they think wasn't throwing a ball well enough ruptured his achilles. Scum of the Earth. Makes Philly fans look like the kind-hearted gentle folk from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 

Sidenote: Jameis Winston is easily the greatest teammate you could ever ask for. I know it's been posted here before, but this is everything you could ask for out of a guy you share a locker room with. 
