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There Is No Choice But To Bet The Farm On The Colts Tomorrow After Watching This Electric Performance

The best games to bet on are the ones that are over before they even start.

Sun Tzu famously said in The Art Of War, that “every battle is won or lost before it is fought”. 

And this Sunday’s week 3 matchup between The 1-1 Chicago Bears, and the 0-2 Indianapolis Colts is as good as done thanks to Colts superfan Seth here and his two guest Colts cheerleaders. 

If you're the Chicago Bears, or a Bears fan, how do you even respond to this?

I don't know if you can. 

I learned a lot from this quick hype video. 

1- The Colts have a fight song?

Apparently there are a few versions out there all vying for the official title. Some of the best I discovered on Youtube - 

2- Josh Downs is playing? 

Sure is. And accoding to Seth, he's gonna help the Colts "bear down the Bears". 


I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that taking another team's battle cry, (Chicago's beloved "Bear Down"), and repurposing it like that in a song means its now yours and they can no longer use it. So that's bad news for Bears fans everywhere. Seth just took it from you so now you have to come up with something else. Sorry but rules are rules.

I can't believe this game is still on board as I'm writing this blog. Hammering the Colts is like having Christmas come in September. And if Jim Irsay is the man I think he is, this song will be booming over the piped in crowd noise as the team comes out of the tunnel on Sunday at Lucas Oil Stadium. 

Colts by 100. 


p.s. - Real talk, I love Indiana people. They are the salt of the Earth. (Not Pat McAfee). But guys like John Rich. And I love the state of Indiana. I used to think it was just a podunk flyover state filled with cornfields, but if you take Chicago out of Illinois, they're basically the same state. (Except Indiana's state government is one of the best run in the country). But Indianapolis gets nowhere near the credit it deserves as a B-tier city. Anybody that's been will tell you the same. It's clean, it's well organized and laid out, the downtown is walkable and safe (for the most part). The entertainment district and hotel areas are within walking distance of each other, and the stadiums are right there. It has some awesome bars (shout out Tiki Bobs) and restaurants, with some nationally famous ones like St. Elmo's and one of the best smash burgers I've ever had in my life at this bar Workingman's Friend. They also have Steak & Shakes all over the place. And when they hosted the Super Bowl back in 2012, besides Las Vegas this past year, it was the best run, most well organized, and fun Super Bowl of any that I attended. (And the Pats got beat by Eli and the Giants so that's saying something.) I love Indy.

p.p.s. - 


