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The Things You Can't Be Doing As A Member of Society

Another episode of KFC Radio today and an important discussion was had about the nap culture we’ve got in the adult world. A study made the rounds the other day that said naps during the day are better off than those who don’t. KFC made the point and the group agreed  that if you’re an adult that participates in the rat race of day to day life but also goes down for a nap at like 1 or 2 in the afternoon every day…you’re a bit of a psycho.

This is far from the only thing that we as adults who are fully functioning members of society should not be doing for a variety of reasons, so here are a few that I think really jump off the page and should maybe be a cause for concern for you the reader if you do these.


Seeing as it’s the catalyst for the blog it deserves special mention. I’ll admit it…I’m a reformed daytime napper myself. I went through a period last year where the blinds in my dorm were perfect. Close those babies up and it could’ve been 1 p.m. or 1 a.m., it was so dark you couldn’t tell the difference.

There was a moment though where the blind blew open a smidge and I could see kids outside being active contributors to society while I was stripped down to my underwear putting myself down for a nap like a toddler. We just can’t be doing that. 

Playing Video Games When It’s Light Outside

This is kind of the same problem I have with napping during the day. I think it’s a real tough look if you take a peek out your window in the middle of the day and there are people walking to and from work, really sinking their teeth into the everyday grind of life, and you’re planted firmly on your couch calling Derek, a 13-year-old middle schooler, a pussy.

Once that sun goes down though, all bets are off. You fire up the Xbox and let those prepubescent douchebags know that the old dogs still run these video game streets.

Casual Dessert

It pains me to write this. I’m a vocal dessert eater myself. With that being said, I don’t think you should ever be pulling out a cookie or something at the office for your mid day snack. Oh are you gonna treat yourself to a little game of tag once your tummy settles after eating that? Keep that shit to the confines of your own home.

Be sure to listen to today’s episode of KFC Radio from Diddy owning a preposterous amount of baby oil to whether or not the Kelce brothers have jumped the shark.





