
Wake Forest Paid $1 Million To Cancel Its 2025 Game Against Ole Miss Hours After the Rebels Beat Them 40-6

I don’t think I’ve ever seen this before. Presumably during its 34-point home loss to Ole Miss, Wake Forest talked to the Rebels and agreed to give them a $1 million check on their way out of town to not have to suffer the same fate next season. That’s throwing in the towel like you read about.

Not wanting to get your ass kicked again is understandable, but paying $1 million when you have to schedule another Power 4 team anyway seems like a bit much. There aren’t many teams Wake can schedule that would be anything close to a guaranteed win — which is what you should be able to get in exchange for $1 million.

But even if you’re going to do this, you just can’t announce it the morning after the game. Make the agreement with Ole Miss and then keep it under wraps until the off-season. This is far more embarrassing than getting killed by a team that’s much better than you.

If I were a Wake Forest donor, I’d be on the phone with somebody today inquiring as to how my money was being spent.