
Travis Kelce's Fits Are Deplorable

On today’s episode of KFC Radio, the fellas touch on Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s appearance at the U.S. Open this past weekend. It featured some dancing that a less honorable man than myself might go as far as calling cringe and uncomfortable, but I like to think of myself as an honorable man who loves the love these two lovebirds are displaying so I would never do something like that.

What I will do though, is call Travis Kelce out on his fits that can only be described as deplorable because I’ve been wanting to get that off my chest for quite some time. I mean what are we doing with that U.S. Open fit? Gucci from head to toe? It looks like something a teenager would blow all of his birthday money on.

He’s been on a generational run this week to when it comes to this too because what he wore for his first game might be even worse.

David Smith. Shutterstock Images.

He’s literally doing Jumpsuit January, only it’s September instead of January and there’s zero joke or bit involved in him rocking this. Being as rich and famous as Travis Kelce is I’m sure awesome in every single way, but the one thing that sucks about it is I think your boys can become too scared to call you out on your bullshit when you reach that level. One of them has to step up soon though because we’re right on the edge of no return here. Jason, come get your boy. Here’s the script to follow if you need one.

Also, in a very straight way, he looks way cuter with a buzzcut.

Today’s episode of KFC Radio features a great interview with comedian Brittany Schmitt so be sure to give it a listen.




