
Giants Fans Have Received The Gift Of Knowing Your Favorite Football Team Is Dog Shit Right From The Start

Mitchell Leff. Getty Images.

The NFL season can go one of 3 ways for fans. First up, your team could kick ass and be awesome all season long. It may not end with a Super Bowl, but you're one of the best teams in the league all year and it's a glorious ride through those 17-21 weeks. 

Secondly, your team could start off strong and fill your fanbase with a ridiculous amount of hope that this team is actually great. However, the wheels start to fall off the wagon at some point halfway through the season, and it turns out your team is actually ass. As an Eagles fan who had to deal with last year's historic collapse after starting the season 10-1, I can tell you that this is by far the worst possible option. You waste so much time and so much energy on a piece of shit team that didn't deserve any of it. 

Lastly, your team could be tragically awful right out of the gates. And while that may seem like it would suck on the surface, deep down it's not the worst option of them all. I mean sure, you'd love it if your favorite football team was at least somewhat competent and didn't pay a dude who doesn't know how to throw a football $160 million to do precisely that. But at the end of the day, Giants fans are now free from the shackles of NFL fandom this fall and winter. No longer do their Sundays completely revolve around watching a bunch of dipshit millionaires suck ass at playing a game. They know the season is going nowhere, so they can just check in and out whenever they please. 

Think about how many different things they can do with their time now. Instead of having to rush out to play that 7:10 tee time on a Sunday morning to make sure you're all wrapped up and ready to go for a 1pm kickoff, Giants fans can practically have every golf course to themselves on Sunday afternoons this season. Did a movie come out recently that you want to see in theaters but just didn't think you'd have the time to catch it? That 3-hour time slot when the Giants are on seems like a perfect chance to enjoy a theater to yourself. 

Part of me is actually jealous of Giants fans right now. They get stress free Sundays from now until at least the start of next year. For so many other fans, there is still a brutally devastating collapse just looming in the air. So many fanbases right now are filled with hope that maybe, just maybe, this is the year they put it all together and go to the promised land. And that dream will come crashing down in a fiery blaze from hell in a matter of weeks. Giants fans don't have to worry about that because their hopes have always been rock bottom. Happy for them. 
