
Business Is So Good At OnlyFans That Its Owner Paid Himself $472 Million Last Year and Over $1B Over The Last 3 Years



Ain't the world great? When it boils down to it, there is one thing that truly brings us all together. One thing that unites us all, no matter what race, religion, nationality, or political party you are- and that one thing is boobs. To put it as plainly and delicately as possible, boobs freakin' rock. They rock so hard. And think about it- nearly every majorly successful person in media always had an ace up their sleeve- and that ace was boobs. Vince McMahon with the WWE? Boobs. Howard Stern, the king of all media? Boobs. Dave Portnoy, pizza reviewer? Boobs. At the end of the day, the world's economy is based on healthy racks. And OnlyFans owner Leonid Radvinsky figured that out and now has made himself over a billion dollars in 3 years because of it. And it's super impressive because we live in a time where porn is free. You can see it on the world wide web everywhere. Sometimes you don't even mean to see it- you just open your Twitter and BOOM, porn right there in your eyeballs. But Leonid Radvinsky knew there were plenty of Glenny Balls' willing to shell out money for the good stuff that you couldn't see for free anywhere else, and look at him now. Billionaire. OnlyFans, the place dreams are made of. 


PS: I'm always stunned when I see some IG model with a pretty healthy following just posting their bikini pics for free on the Gram and not on an OF. Like, posting pics on the grid for the love of the game and not to make hundreds of thousands of dollars a month is as real as it gets. Wake up Sleepy Joe, those girls deserve a medal. 


PS: The fact Howard Stern built an empire based on boobs from being on the RADIO is as impressive of a feat as climbing Mount Everest. Dude had guys listening to the radio to HEAR about boobs. Give him a medal too.