
USC Made A Sick Hype Video That Is Undermined By Their Total Misunderstanding Of The Trojan Horse

There is no doubt that this is a pretty cool hype video. Great music, love the Warzone shit. But the dork part of my brain really takes issue with something. Let me direct you to three frames. 

I think, somewhere along the lines, some wires were crossed. The most fundamental part of the Trojan horse myth is that the Greeks were hiding inside and used it to finally defeat the Trojans. It was the one thing, THE SINGULAR THING that was capable of beating the trojans! So to fill the Trojan horse with…Trojans…just makes no fucking sense. And the fact that this is such a highly produced video means that this insane error had to slip by DOZENS of people along the line at the USC department. I tried telling myself that this is too niche of a fact but no, this is basic shit guys. Even if people weren't that into Greek myths growing up, they had a big-ass epic starring Brad Pitt that demonstrated exactly how this works 20 years ago! So all these soldiers in the video with USC shields are shown storming the beach…attacking Trojans! 

I have more complaints that I think are actually niche (the soldiers looking Spartan(Troy was in Turkey so these dudes were probably closer to Hittites anyway) and fighting with some sort of Roman Gladius. I'm fine with that slip, but the Trojan thing is really bugging me. Anyway I think it's a great sign for LSU and choose to inerpret this fucked up video as the Trojans beating themselves (turnovers and the like).