
Kelly Osbourne Tells A WILD Story About What It Was Like Being A Kid At Her Dad's "End Of Tour" Parties


What a sweet core memory for Kel. Just a stripper walking around with a puss full of water at Dad's end of tour party...only to have it explode it on her face moments later. If I had the ability to enter the warm smiling emoji in this blog I'd do it here. I also love how Ozzy's reaction was to ask if anybody was on fire. Hell of a point, dad. And to answer your question...yes...Kelly's eyes were on fire. But hey, no harm no foul. I can only imagine what drugs Ozzy was on at the time. Whatever they were I'm sure he had a brief moment of sobriety when he realized Kelly had been in the slash zone. That's why he threw her in the shower and said, "you'll survive." Which reminds me of one of my favorite Ozzy clips of all time. Here it is...

The fact that he is still standing is beyond me. Regardless, I love that the Osbourne's are slowly starting to make their way back into the public eye. People forget that they had one of the greatest reality shows of all time. They essentially created the genre. Oh well. Keep the clips coming Sharon. We can't get enough.