
“This is it, this is happening”: Oasis Is Officially Back With Mega-Shows Announced For Next Summer


Two things on my mind right now:

1) Holy shit, they are officially back. After 15 years, man. The brothers are finally back together. Still doesn't seem real but at the same time I never stopped believing and seeing it happen is just incredible. 

2) No US dates! Me and Bob are obviously going over to the UK for a show or two, but the rumored MetLife/Solider Field/Gillette/Rose Bowl dates were not announced. Perhaps they are saving that announcement for a later time. Or perhaps that leg of the tour was incorrect? Hard to say right now, as the announced dates line up with the leaks, so I'm thinking it's the former and we will have US Dates!

Tickets are probably going to be hard as helllllll to get. I don't even know like…there's no amount of money that I won't pay for a ticket, but I also might not literally possess the amount of money needed to go. This is going to be madness. I'm so excited man. Oasis is back. Thank godddddddd.


PS: I have a suspicion Anais, Noel's daughter, had a big hand in making this happen. It's just a hunch right now but once the details come out I feel she's going to get some credit. If so, make her the new queen of England.