
The Commanders Are Getting Rid Of The Makeshift Sean Taylor Memorial And Building Him A Proper Statue



If you recall in 2022, Dan Snyder, Jason Wright, and the rest of the bozos in the Washington front office unveiled a Sean Taylor "memorial" inside FedEx Field, which turned out to be nothing more than a mannequin in soccer cleats wearing a Sean Taylor jersey.



It resembled something you'd see tossed together a Dick's Sporting Goods, more or less.



Well thankfully the Harris Group have decided to remove that slap in the face from the stadium and begin work on a proper statue, like Sean deserves.



Just another piece of cleanup Josh Harris is nailing. He's been tasked with the impossible job of reversing 25 years of damage done by Dan Snyder. There's so many things that have to be done, and he's off to a pretty good start, all things considered. Dan Snyder ruined this once proud franchise, surgically destroying it piece by piece for the better part of 2 decades, so it's not an overnight fix for the new guys to put it back together, but they're on the right track. 


And don't forget the other time they attempted to honor Sean it was nothing more than a photo-op in front of toilets.



Thank god Snyder is gone. Onwards and upwards, my friends. Onwards and upwards.