
If You Could Have a One Night Stand With Anyone Who's Ever Lived Who Would It Be?

My favorite voicemail from this week on KFC Radio was this one that asked who from history you would have a one night stand with. The one caveat was you would have to go back to their time. The answers from KFC, Feits, and Jackie ranged from Helen of Troy, Marilyn Monroe, and Paul Walker.

For something like this whatever transpires in the bedroom should be the last thing you’re thinking of. Sure, that 25-30 seconds of life will be fun but you also need to think about what’s gonna make for the best story for the next 50 years. If you feel like choosing a movie star or musician for your one night stand then that’s great, you do you. All I’m saying is movie stars come and go and new ones are popping up on the daily. You need to choose someone that’s instantly recognizable and will never be replaced.

For me the answer is pretty cut and dry. I think you’ve gotta go with James Bond era Sean Connery and the only question I have is if you can cash in on this one night stand more than once. I think you’ve gotta go with the most instantly recognizable face in the history of the world: Mona Lisa. 

UniversalImagesGroup. Getty Images.

Yes, that looker that you may know from the Louvre. She’s not gonna pop up as much in your day to day life as some other possible picks might, but I think she’s got way more of a wow factor than all of them. 

Bernard Jaubert. Shutterstock Images.

Look at this shit! She lived in the 1500s and people are still crowding around her, fighting tooth and nail for space just so they can get a picture OF a picture of her.  

There you have it. Mona Lisa and I sharing a night we’ll both remember forever. I think she’d hold me afterwards, it would be a great night. Mona Lisa…hit my line. What was hygiene like in the 1500s? She probably smells crazy but that’s fine.

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