
Another Wasted Ron Rivera Pick - Jahan Dotson has Been Traded To Philly


Way to be, Ron Rivera, way to be! He traded down and took Dotson over Olave, Jameson Williams, Jordan Davis, and Kyle Hamilton. It was questionable at the time and now it's just another blown Ron Rivera draft pick.

The thing about Dotson is he showed flashes as a rookie. Showed he can get open and score touchdowns. Last season was a disaster though. He clearly showed a lack of focus, had some bad drops, and never improved. It was frustrating to watch him struggle week in and week out.

And that brings us to camp this season. The main story out of camp has been Dotson's shitty attitude. Every member of DC Sports media has talked about it and even Dan Quinn hinted at it. And now it has reached the conclusion, with him being shipped off to Philly.

From what I understand, Dotson walks around like he's Jerry fucking Rice when in reality he's had 2 below average NFL seasons. He's a guy who has all the raw talent but hasn't seemed willing to put in the extra work to get to the next level. Maybe that's who he is, or maybe this is a wakeup call. Either way, not our problem anymore.

And let me stress this one more time- Ron Rivera fuckeddddd this franchise. The worst talent evaluator to ever do it. Every pick is worse than the last. He put this team so far behind the 8ball it's depressing. Adam Peters is now cleaning up that mess, and it's going to be a process.