
The Fellas Need To Start Running Tests On Dates Like Girls Do

Jackie posed the question on today’s episode of KFC Radio asking if guys run tests on girls similar to how girls will run tests on guys. KFC and Feits both agreed that while you don’t set out to run a test on a girl, if a red flag pops up organically you’re definitely gonna take notice of it. 

I need to have a chat with the girls about this whole test thing because I think they might have it figured out. If there’s a way to determine that a guy isn’t gonna make it very far in just one date then you should have at it. 

Now a guy like me? I don’t necessarily have girls breaking my door down to go out with me so they would basically have to do as bad on one of my “tests” to be dropped out of the already barren race for my heart as an NFL player would have to do on the concussion test in the early 2010s to not be cleared to return to the game. Anything short of literally spitting in my Mom’s face and you’re probably getting a passing grade.

There’s also nothing I hate more in life than confrontation so every relationship of mine ends in one of two ways…either the girls end things with me or we’re getting married. I haven’t been married or divorced yet in my young life so you do the math on how I’ve done in the dating world so far.

Sidenote: The second this question was posed all I could think of was in A Bronx Tale when Sonny teaches Colagero about the door test. Sonny LoSpecchio and the girlies…the only people in this world running tests on their dates.

Tune into today’s episode of KFC Radio to hear more on this topic and also a very full circle interview with John and Dave Chernin, the son’s of Peter Chernin. You might know him better as the big swingin’ dick at the cracker factory who bought Barstool back in 2016.




