
This Absolute MORON Thinks It's a Bad Thing That We Now Have Assigned Seats at Movie Theaters

Remember when you'd go to a movie theater having no idea how many people would be in the auditorium, where you'd be able to sit, if you needed to get there early, etc.? And then you got there and had to wait in line to buy a ticket for the right to go sit in a terrible seat? This woman wants to go back to that.

There is no shortage of fucked up things in our society right now, but being able to purchase movie tickets on my phone and select what recliner I'd like to sit in is not one of them. I'd actually argue it's one of the best technological advancements of the 21st century. I don't go to a ton of movies, but I promise you I'd go to far fewer if I had to show up at the theater and leave my fate up to God.

This is like complaining that Delta first class isn't as good as Southwest. I seriously don't even understand how someone could want to go back to the dark ages of theater seating. Every single TikTok comment has let this woman know that she is egregiously wrong and needs to change her dogshit opinion to conform with the rest of civilized society, but she's still trying to defend it!

Oh, you could ask people to scooch over! Why hadn't I thought of that? Who the hell is asking to return to this lunacy?!

We are not going back, motherfucker. Adapt or die.