
WATCH: New Jersey Bus Driver Beats The BRAKES Off Of Guy Who Spit On Him While He Was Behind The Wheel

Source - A New Jersey transit bus journey took a wild turn after the driver put a savage beatdown on a passenger ... and now several videos from the scene are going viral.

In one video making the rounds online ... the bus driver is seen putting a man in a chokehold, threatening his life, and loudly reprimanding him for allegedly spitting at him earlier in the ride.

The Video: 

The incident was terrifying for bystanders on the bus ... who can be heard calling out for the driver to ease up on his assault in one video.

We're told the bus driver and the adult male passenger were both arrested for the violent outburst. Both the bus driver and the passenger currently face individual charges of aggravated assault … the incident remains under investigation.

Two words: Worth. It. And if I were the law I'd let the charges cancel each other out like double technicals. Papi got spit on, so papi delivered a whoopin'…sometimes that has to happen in order to reestablish the natural order of things. Let the crowd know that just because they are performing a "public service" doesn't mean that they are going to get walked all over. Bus drivers, train conductors, meter maids…they are all not to be fucked with. They get up every day knowing that they have to work in hell and yet they keep showing up. Punching the clock and counting down the days until they retire at 55 with a pension and three quarters pay. Except postal workers…they can kick rocks. So yeah, if you fuck with these people you deserve what's coming. 

Now as far as the actual fight goes (I don't know if you can even call it that) I've never seen such a one sided beating in my life. Look at the angle he's got him at…

The guy didn't even fight back. In fact, he got sat back up in his chair just to take even more of a beating…


It almost makes you feel bad for him until you remember he is the scum of the earth. God that must've felt good for the bus driver. Just unloading years of disrespect on that guy. Good for him. With any luck he'll be out of jail and back on the road in no time.