
Watching Zack Hample Get Boxed Out On An Adley Rutschman Home Run Just Made My Whole Year

Doesn't matter what MLB team you root for, we all root for Zack Hample to not catch home run balls. One brave fan at Camden Yards went above and beyond to make this a reality on Sunday when he gave us a perfect Dennis Rodman type boxout of Hample. A true hero, one that baseball deserves. My guy @RelishDaddy was on the flagcourt when Adley Rutschman's 18th homer of the season was propelled right towards Hample. He did his best to get solid positioning to collect another meaningless ball for his precious collection. 

Now I don't condone violence on anyone, but I'm perfectly okay with people jockeying for position with Hample so they can try and get said ball. We've seen Hample's hits before, Mossing kids for balls, berating Rockies employees for not allowing him to stand in a section he didn't have a ticket to, just being an overall annoying character as well. Going to a game with 0 care who wins or losses and only racing around from left field to right field trying to catch balls is such a loser thing to do. 

You can see him bopping around trying to judge where the ball will go and every step of the way, there's RelishDaddy to stop him. Every move Hample makes, RelishDaddy is right there to mirror him. He's doing his best to track the ball but not on RelishDaddy's watch. The ball bounces and the rumor is tha Hample goes down, possibly by a hip check or a table. That's all just hearsay on Twitter though, no video of that. But we do have a Ben Wallace type defensive stand to protect that baseball from landing in the hands of a grown man who needs to find a new hobby. 

Baseball twitter usually is very split on every topic, but it seems like mostly everyone is agreeing on being happy that Hample did not end up with Adley's ball here. As I stated before, I'm not advocating for any sort of violence, but there is something nice about seeing fans come together and jockey for position to stop this guy from getting a ball. Job well done boys, job well done. 

He has to know that his actions are the sole reason people react like this around him. He's a jerk. He feels entitled and thinks that every single baseball in any given ballpark should be caught by him. Very strange behavior from a grown up. Again, if you want to Moss kids that's fine…. but don't be surprised when other adults see you acting this way and decide to take matters into their own hands. If you can't handle a little bump in the paint then maybe this gig isn't for you. Could be time to stop chasing leather for a hobby bud. 
