
Stephon Marbury Is Currently Losing His Mind Over LeBron Winning The Olympic MVP

Of all the outcomes from Team USA's run to yet another Gold Medal, one thing I did not have on my bingo card was a random Stephon Marbury/LeBorn James one-sided beef. I think most expected the usual suspects (Skip Bayless) to take his shots at LeBron as he attempts to find his way back on TV, but it appears Marbury wants in on that as well

This whole LeBron Olympic MVP nonsense is so bizarre to me. Marbury is hardly the only one to go this route, and maybe it's because it's LeBron that people seem to lose their minds. We also saw this with Colin Cowherd yesterday 

which was equally as bizarre. Is it so hard to understand that Steph would have won a potential Finals MVP award for what he did in the title game, and LeBron who was the most consistent player on the team for the whole tournament was the Tournament MVP? I feel like that's pretty obvious, but apparently not.

Anyway, back to Marbury. If this rant by him feels a little out of left field, there is a bit of a history with Marbury trying to discredit/throw shade at LeBron, but it does seem like this latest round all stems from LeBron ignoring Marbury after the game in his attempt to dap him up


In a way, LeBron gave Marbury the Skip treatment by simply ignoring him, and we all see what that does to Skip. His reaction is no different from Marbury's, and honestly, this remains one of the more impressive parts of LeBron's career. No matter what Skip says over these last 20+ years, LeBron refuses to give him what he craves which is acknowledgment. That's a level of petty that I think we should all be able to respect. 

When it comes to Marbury's stance, suggesting that LeBron didn't "deserve" his Olympics MVP is both hilarious and a sad example of what blind hate looks like. He did not win that MVP as a "legacy" award or anything. He was quite literally the most consistent player through the whole tournament. Was a fraction of a point away from leading the team in points, rebounds, assists, etc. He showed up in the clutch moments just like Steph did. These are not subjective things, it's literally what happened. I'm all for shitting on LeBron when it comes to his NBA team stinking and continuing to miss the playoffs, but I'm also a firm believer in telling the truth about what happens on the court. Suggesting he "didn't earn" his MVP is rather insane given we all saw what happened. 

A quick look at Marbury's timeline suggests he's certainly going through it


which isn't exactly surprising. A guy who's been a very open LeBron hater for years tried to pretend like nothing had ever happened after the France game, LeBron snubbed him because he's probably well aware of all the bullshit Marbury says, and as a result Marbury went right back to his hater playbook all because he got snubbed. You know had LeBron dapped him up and shown him love these tweets most likely don't exist, which is why the substance of them hold no weight. Not only does his stance not make any sense given what we watched, but it's clearly all based around the fact that LeBron didn't give him the time of day. 

You have to admit, the way LeBron is still able to break brains like this in 2024 is impressive.