
Maybe Kodak Black Shouldn't Talk To Pop Warner Teams After Telling A Group Of Players “Say No To Drugs, They Too Good, Y’all Gone Like Em And Go Crazy”

Ok Kodak...maybe plan it out next time. Maybe run it by someone first before telling kids how awesome drugs are. He tried to save himself at the end but it starts about as bad as possible for an inspirational video. Oops.

Let's first give credit to Kodak for trying to give back to the younger generation .. props there. Let's also give him props for some of the good messages he says. Teaching them TEAM means Together Everyone Achieves More, as well as lessons like nothing is bigger than the team. The importance of an education was also a great lesson, so was having discipline. 

However when all those good lessons come after "say no to drugs, they too good" maybe it's time we take Kodak Black away from the motivational speech game for a while. Just my two cents. Maybe not the best lesson for the kids. Not even Kenny Powers could accidentally motivate kids to try drugs. 

Get em next time Kodak ...