
"Loser Leaves Town!" Dave And The Unnamed Show Break Down The Abel Brothers VS Mikey Bets RnR Fight

Incredible. Dave said it best but RnR is the Abel brothers entire life. If (when) they lose this fight that'll be the end of them. They'll have nothing to look forward to. They'll simply retire to the dump that they were born in never to be heard from again. Also, I don't even know how this hatred of Frank started? I guess they called him a fat pussy so Mikey Bets is fighting in his honor? Kinda like when Jenks fought in his honor last year? Who knows, but the Abel's need to go. They're an embarrassment to the entire Pittsburg metropolitan area. Just two absolute pigs grasping for straws. It's kinda sad, which is why they need to be put out to pasture.  Hopefully Mike bets does just that. Time will tell. We're less than a week out from fight night. Head on over to to purchase today. 








