
'It Just Sucks' - Charles Barkley Called Out All The NBA For Choosing Money Over Fans, Promises To Deliver An Incredible Last Season Of 'Inside The NBA'

Oh you thought Charles Barkley would just sit back and stay quiet with TNT losing rights to the NBA? A man who will say whatever is on his mind, no matter the topic, no matter the place. Of course he was going to release something and quite frankly this is awesome. He's not just talking for his job, he's talking for all the people who work on the set, etc. He knows that the fans want TNT for the NBA. We want Inside the NBA, we want Kevin Harlan, we want what we've had for decades. 

What I do know is that we're going to get Charles Barkley saying whatever the fuck he wants next season on Inside the NBA. What does he have to lose? He's already said he's going to retire after next season. He's rich, it's not like he needs to worry about pissing off the NBA. What are they going to do? Take away his show, mission accomplished there. Ernie Johnson is going to be trying his best to keep it under control and Shaq/Chuck will lose their minds no matter what. 

It does suck. He's right there. I don't want to have to jump to all these new NBA channels to watch games. I don't even care that we're going Roundball Rock back. It's not worth losing Inside the NBA for it. Call me old fashioned, but for the last 20+ years, I've been used to just putting on two channels to watch the NBA. It's easy, it's simple. It's what my fingers know when I turn on the TV during the season. It's not lost on me that money matters, I'm not that dumb. But you know how you keep money coming in too? Keeping fans happy. 

 I just want to put on my TV, flip over to a game and watch it. It's that simple. More importantly, I don't want to lose Inside the NBA. They can't go to another channel, it won't be the same. It's supposed to be on TNT. It's supposed to be the show we randomly have on and don't care about real analysis.