
Welcome To The Sports Summer Sphincter Of The Big-4 Sports Calendar

Welcome to hell everyone. The sideways histogram above details how many big-four sports games have been played on each day of the year since 2000 as indicated by the industry professional graph title produced with state of the art Canva "draw" feature technology (free version). 

You'll also notice the same technology indicates via red circle where we are now, July 18. We have no baseball again today which puts us in the Mariana Trench of the sports calendar - although as the graph shows that usually occurs on July 12th. 

FYI - sorry for the weird ordering and missing dates on top/bottom.There is obviously data there, I just wasn't able to figure out what went wrong in translating the hard data to graph form and I wasn't able to hold it any longer. I'm guessing you're not interested in hearing how fickle working with date column types can sometimes be, but just know we're basically moving from bottom to top here on the y-axis. 

With only 13 total big-four sports games (all baseball of course) played on July 12th since 2000, this is historically the worst sports day of the year. So there we go! At least we got past that. 

Since 2000 only 13 games have been played on July 12th - again all MLB - and the 11th and 13th are right up there with the fewest after at 14 games played. This clearly means the All Star break usually occurs around then. But make no mistake about it, we're still in the brunt of the prarie dog zone of the summer sports slog. Let's look at that graph again in a slightly less industry professional manner:

Good statisticians tell a story with their data. Great statisticians let their data tell the story. And that's what's going on here. This is no Mariana Trench. This is a prarie dog. Given how shitty this time of year is in sports the imagery is, if nothing else, pooetic. 

Giphy Images.

July is ass in the world of sports but thank god we have the olympics this year starting up in a couple weeks. Especially for us baseball casuals who really don't care until it's October and then we care a little bit, but only on days when football isn't on. 

Anyway, I hope this graph gives everyone hope in the future. Certainly not for my prospects of landing a professional job in statistics, but for visualizing how long it'll be before sports are once again on our TV and to what degree. Just look at how tasty the end of October is. I guess now that I'm looking at it, this acts as our tongue of the graph. Or toothpick. Whatever. I don't judge how anyone chooses to squat. 

And what's up with Christmas leaving that long line of gelled up hair? What is this, the Roger Klotz look?

Giphy Images.


That's it for today. I'm brewing up something of my own for everyone that I'll be ready to pinch off soon. A blog that is. I'm thinking of another series to help us pass the time. Best NFL jersey number by position. With the doors wide open allowing players to change their number, there's a real dearth of analytics identifying which jersey numbers are best. Should receivers go with "0" or what about "00"? Important things like that. 

Stay strong everyone. We'll be ready to wipe this week clean soon. 
