
RUMOR: Donald Trump May Reportedly Be At UFC Denver Tonight (UPDATED)

UPDATE (10:31pm ET): After hearing nothing for 90+ minutes on this, I'm gonna assume it's not happening. Fun thought tho.

UPDATE (12:31am ET): Yeah definitely not.

Holy shit. I have no idea how legitimate this report is, but imagine if it were true? Donald Trump may be walking out to a sold out arena in Denver just hours after surviving an assassination attempt and raising his fist in the air like Rocky? 


Everybody started saying his next walkout was going to be legendary in the immediate aftermath of today's chaos, but I don't think ANYBODY expected it could happen so soon (except Quigs, shoutout Quigs). Should they do what Ev said and change up the entrance music? Go from 'American Badass' to 'Many Men' considering the circumstances? 

Also - what's Dana White's plan? He's on a flight to Italy right now….does he turn the plane around to be there if this is true?! 

He's already commented on the situation via Instagram….

I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens in the next few moments/minutes/hours.

Here's a quick knockout and a Trump shoutout from tonight to watch in the meantime….


UPDATE: Somebody else is now refuting these reports and saying they're untrue. I have no idea who to believe.

If I were a betting man, I would say Trump won't appear tonight (it really does seem outlandish) - but I truly have no idea.