
Follow Up Blog! We've Got An Alternate Angle Of The Kid Getting Clocked In The Face At Summer Smash And It Is BRUTAL

Sheeeeeshhhhh. What's that saying? If you can't take the heat get out the kitchen? Or is it, "if you mess with the bull you get the horns? Wait, wait, may be, "everybody's got a plan until they get punched in the face." I don't know which one it is, but all three of those seem to apply to this situation. Our friend in the White Sox jersey started the fight and buddy boy in the pink most certainly finished it. Here's the original blog with screen shots if you're interested...

I was wondering when we were going to get an alternate angle considering 6000 people filmed the confrontation and I'm glad we did. He quite literally ate that punch....

Then he ate another. Then for a second it looked like was gonna kiss the guy who hit him…

And then it was over. Just a brutal showing that I'm sure he'll never forget. He almost may not remember, which would be much better for him from an embarrassment standpoint. Oh well. If nothing else he learned a valuable lesson from this experience - don't get into fights. Period. Fingers crossed he doesn't make the same mistake twice.