
Jayson Tatum Channeled His Inner Kevin Garnett After Finally Breaking Through And Winning His First Title

Adam Glanzman. Getty Images.

16 years ago to the day, we all witnessed one of the greatest post-title moments in both NBA history and certainly Celtics history

I mean, all this time later you hear someone say 'ANYTHING IS POSSSSSIBBLLLEEEEE" you immediately know what they're talking about. It was iconic then, and it's iconic now.

Well, it's only fitting then that on the 16 year anniversary of that moment, we now have the new era version

I can't lie, when he hit the "what they gonna say now" I'm pretty sure I passed out. I didn't know if I was alive, if I had teleported back to 2008 or what was happening. All I knew was that my heart was filled with immense joy. 

And while we're on the topic, it's a great question. What are they going to say now? What Jayson Tatum has done in the NBA at the age of 26 is not normal. A 5x All Star, 4x All NBA (3 1st team), most playoff points ever in the history of the NBA by age 27, 68 playoff wins already, and most importantly, an NBA championship. That is ONE HELL of a resume and you know what? How sick it makes his haters and losers of which there are most definitely still many makes it even sweeter. They are going to have to chew on this for the rest of time. All you need is one to be stamped, and now Tatum not only has it, he's in a great position to keep adding. 


Once you finally break through and get that pressure off your back, anything is possible (no pun intended but intended).



