
New DJ Is Becoming Famous For His "Iconic Female Backstage Zone", Or In Other Words Having A Bunch Of Smokeshows Behind The Booth

So one of our producers texted me this last night saying that he found his girl in the "iconic female backstage zone" on a night she was supposed to be "taking it light with the girlies". I wish I was kidding but that is genuinely how I found out about this viral DJ. And I won't expose the poor guys name, but I'm not even sure I'd sleep again if my (hypothetical and totally not real) girl was found at the iconic zone. The scenario of the DJ taking your girl has always been a possibility and now she's gonna be coerced by being told she can be iconic behind the booth. You stand no chance anymore.

I've got immense respect for DJs who work on perfecting their craft and make new songs rather than a guy who is just a fella who is good at taking an aux cable and playing some Drake. I don't want to speak too soon on this Levi lad, but whatever he is doing seems to be working:

Jeez man save some for the rest of us. Nate just started working out arms, give him a bone or two bro. This guy reminds me of when Tyler Cameron walked into the office at the peak of his fame and Dave had no idea how to react besides to call him stunningly good looking:

Anyway, I know better than to write about DJs or music on this site without consulting in our resident DJ Dante, who had an all time title in a blog this morning by the way, and he couldn't be reached for comment (I gave him 4 minutes because these pageviews can't wait). I'm off to go figure out how to become unbelievable looking and figure out how to work a DJ table. See you in the iconic female backstage zone. 
