
I Am Crying. Tom Brady Just Posted A Video His Kids Made Him Ahead Of Tonight's Patriots Hall Of Fame Induction ​






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Good LORD, Tommy. Not now! I've still gotta record and I can't afford to be in tears. You could've at least waited until this afternoon. God forbid the Brady Four sees this they'll be too emotional to walk the red carpet. The funny thing is, I don't think I'll ever get over Tom Brady. He quite literally represents my childhood. Which is why every time he opens his mouth I'm overcome with emotion. And no shade to the kids, but I remember every one of his Super Bowls. From the first one in 7th grade all the way to the last one in my early 30s. God I'm old. Alright I'm done. Just wanted to share this so I could get on with my day. Shout out to Ben, Jack, and Vivian for the awesome video. Well done, guys. Can't wait to see the old man get inducted!