
Ohio State Was So Butthurt About The NCAA '25 Trailer That They Made Their Own

Congratulations, you mother fuckers. Today is the day where you get to see me hate on THE Ohio State Buckeyes. Don't get used to it. But before I do that, I guess I should set the table for anyone who's been living under a rock for the last week, starting with the fact that EA orchestrated a clear, direct, and personal attack on Ohio State with their NCAA '25 video game trailer. They knew it would go mega-viral, and they took not one, not two, but three punches at the Buckeyes.

It's so obvious what happened that I didn't even need to research any further.....but I did. And I found exactly what I knew I was going to find: the guy who produced the game is a fucking DIE HARD Michigan fan.

Extremely unprofessional to allow his personal beliefs go into the trailer, especially when he intentionally attacked and alienated the largest fan base in the country, but if that's the bad business you want to conduct, enjoy is when no one buys your shitty as game.

^ That is a take I'm allowed to have because I'm a fan, which is short for fanatic. I'm going to whine and moan and complain about the video game trailer insulting us because I have nothing better to do, but you know who shouldn't……? The fucking football team, production team, and social accounts associated with them!

This screams that we were so upset with how their trailer turned out that we made our own. I don't see Wyoming, who was featured 3 times in EAs version, making their own. And the fact that we used Gus Johnson, who won't be in the game, makes it even more uneducated. I don't know what Ohio State thought the response was going to be here, but this video didn't even go viral to the point where Mintzy would be allowed to stay at the SEC Tournament. All it's done is give Michigan fans a field day to wonder where the Donovan Edwards stiff arm is in this version, or why there aren't any highlights from The Game? Or a final score tweet. Plus, it opens up the Michigan fans to remind us of this (funny at the time, fucking TERRIBLE look now) skit of Urban Meyer passing Ryan Day the controller to take over.


Man what I'd give for a $2 tank of gas, Urban Meyer as my football coach, and some mean tweets about Michigan.