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Is King Charles Fucking Kidding Us With His New Portrait "Bathing In Blood"?

Yahoo - King Charles III, 75, was captured in the first royal portrait since his ascent to the throne, drawing a wide variety of reactions.

Jonathan Yeo, a British artist who previously painted official portraits for Prime Minister Tony Blair and Sir David Attenborough, painted the monarch in a red Welsh guard uniform with a butterfly on his shoulder, atop a vibrant red background.

The painting, which will hang in London’s Draper’s Hall, took more than two years to complete and got a glance from the king and queen ahead of its Buckingham Palace debut.

Per the BBC, Queen Camilla told Yeo, "Yes, you've got him," upon seeing the piece.

But others were quick to draw comparisons to some quite non-royal imagery, flooding the royal family’s Instagram comments with reactions, before commenting was disabled.

First off, laugh out loud at Charles' mistress-turned-wife saying, "Ah yes, you captured him perfectly".

Secondly, are you kidding me, dude?

That thing is going to hang in the halls with all the other  ̶i̶n̶b̶r̶e̶d̶s̶ Kings of England since the beginning of the British Empire, and that's how you want to be remembered? 

And that painter. This fucking guy.

Remember back in grade school when the first few kids who blow through their tests and go up to the teachers desk to hand them in and the teacher would announce, "make sure you're confident in your work" before you turn in your papers" 

Yah, well this guys teachers clearly never got that message through to him. 

OR, which I would love to believe is the case but the cynic in me just can't allow me to.

What if this is a 2024 example of "The Emperor's New Clothes"?

For those of you who grew up with parents who didn't love you and read to you, here's the synopsis in a way you can understand.

But basically, they make a mockery out of the King, by convincing him he’s wearing the fanciest, most expensive clothes ever made, when he’s actually ass naked, and get him to parade through the kingdom and the King is so in love with himself he’s too dumb to even realize it. 

Fingers crossed that was Jonathan Yeo's intention here. 

The Royals continue to be the second biggest joke in the world, behind only the people who are obsessed with them.