
Watch: Miss Peaches Moves Into Her $42 Million Nantucket Summer Home

No joke it took me about 25 minutes to choose a thumbnail for this blog. I really wanted to capture the essence of the moment, which is why I ultimately went with Miss P discovering the beach. What an absolute delight. All that house, all that money, and you know what she gets most excited about? The fact that she finally has a beach to pee on. Zoomie central. No more slumming in Miami for Miss Peaches! Welcome to the good life, sister. You deserve it. 

Side note: This video got me thinking about when Dave said he doesn't have to pack anymore when he travels between his houses because he has the same wardrobe at all of them. That has to be one of the best parts about being rich, right? No more packing. It didn't even cross my mind that was a possibility. What a dream. Anyway, congrats to Miss Peaches on the new digs. Very nice of Dave to purchase them for her.