
The State Of Indiana Just Found Out That The Woman They Elected To Win The GOP Primary Yesterday Passed Away Two Months Ago

Congratulations, Jennifer Pace! A well-ran campaign turned into a hard-earned victory in the Republican Primary. And next up, pending one little hurdle, is the real election. By the way, that one little hurdle is that Jennifer Pace passed away in March....

Jennifer Pace is leading the race with 31.2% of the vote, or 7,704 votes, as of Wednesday morning. Pace reportedly died of a heart attack in March after she qualified to be on the ballot.

Literally how / what the fuck? I know people think Joey B is a little old to hold office, but at least he's still got a pulse (probably). This is insane and a flat-out horrible look for a whole lot of different groups, none more so than the American people who voted for her! When I first read the headline, I assumed that someone was winning in the early polls, despite having passed away recently. Nope.....this person WON THE ELECTION and has been deceased since March. The Indy Star called the race, and then everyone found out they might want to open it back up..

I'm not who is the most to blame here. Like, on one hand I have to blame the GOP, right? They didn't check that the candidates they were putting on the ballot were ALIVE. But also, what about the family of the lady that didn't notify anyone in the midst of this election.....? And umm, how about the fucking people of Indiana? They literally elected and nominated a dead person. She barely held on, though!

Jennifer Pace – 31.2% of the vote, or 7,704 votes

Catherine Ping – 29.91% of the vote, or 7,384 votes

Philip Davis – 25.74% of the vote, or 6,356 votes

Gabe Whitley – 13.15% of the vote, or 3,246 votes.

Tough look for the 3 candidates that lost to her. But now what's the protocol here? Does the Democratic nomination now win by default? Or do you give it to the next highest voter getter that is currently alive?