
Jerry Seinfeld Celebrates His 70th Birthday By Going On New York Radio And Complaining About How The "Extreme Left" Has Ruined Comedy

Source - Jerry Seinfeld reflected on the state of comedy ahead of his 70th birthday -- and he thinks modern-day showbiz has lost its sense of humor ... all 'cause of politically correct culture.

The legendary comedian was talking on the New Yorker's Radio Hour this past week, and he talked about where comedy in general stands today ... in his opinion, it's not great -- and it all has to do with the "extreme left," which he believes has ruined TV shows and sitcoms.

JS says people need comedy, and yet ... they're not getting their daily dose in the 21st century -- especially in 2024 -- when they turn on their televisions to wind down at night.

He blames woke-ism, as it were, and "PC crap" for this ... which he says has torpedoed creativity, and made everyone worried about jokes offending certain groups. He also says scripts are getting reviewed by so many different parties now, it waters everything down.

The Video: 

Well at least he's staying true to form. There is not another human on earth who complains as well or as often as Jerry Seinfeld. "Wahh, wahh, wahh, it's hard to make jokes!" First of all, no it's not. Second of all, take a look at your bank account dude. You're fine. You'd think a billion dollars would shut this guy the fuck up, but nope! He's got more to say about the plight of modern day comedy than actual modern day comics. And I like Seinfeld too, it's just that at some point we have to stop bitching about the PC era and move on. It sucked. We all know it sucked. We all know that the people who were pushing it were the worst people on earth. A small group of blue-haired nobodies who finally got a voice and took it too far. That said, we knew this five years ago. Now every time we acknowledge them it gives the movement relevancy. In other words, if you truly want PC culture to die you have to ignore it. Now show up to a New York radio station a day late and dollar short to reignite the whole thing. 

Again, I'm not mad. I'm not defending the left. This blog isn't political despite how much the comment section wants it to be. I am simply pointing out the fact that this conversation has been had a BILLION times and we gotta get over it. It's also important to note that Jerry is just being Jerry. He said it on Fallon the other night, "I am a very happy person hating everything throughout my entire life..."

So take that as you will. Now go have some birthday cake, Jer. You've earned it.