
OPINION: If You Don't Want Your Windows Getting Shattered By Awful Tee Shots, Maybe Don't Buy A House On A Golf Course

As far as dudes who throw bitch fits on golf courses go, there's something likable about this dude. There's something about the delivery of "Alright, Vitale. You owe me 681 bucks" that makes me want to take his side. I think Vitale should have to whip out the checkbook right there and give this mad motherfucker his six eighty one. 

But at the same time...I just don't understand what people think when they buy a home on a golf course. Do they not realize that 99% of the golf playing population actually sucks ass at the sport? It's easy to turn on the TV to see the dudes playing on Sunday and think that everybody manages to hit every fairway all the time. But once you get out there with all the 15 handicaps of the world? These guys are lucky if they end up hitting the opposite fairway, let alone their own. 

And from the look of it, these fellas are only on hole 2. Chances are they rolled straight out of the car and onto the first tee. No range session, no warmup, no nothing. Just a couple of cold hacks and then they're on their way. I'd love to see what the scorecard looked like after 1. I'm going to assume a few 6's and a 7. It's hole 2, brother. You can't own a house on hole 2 and expect people to be warmed up enough to not drill your windows. Maybe move somewhere on the back 9 once guys find their swing a little. But hole 2? That's on you. 

The #1 rule of real estate is location, location, location. Front 9 on a golf course is quite possibly the worst of the worst. 
