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The Female Sex Scandal Cop Who Got Fired Along With Half Her Department Settles Her Lawsuit for $500K

The last couple of days might not have been the best for law enforcement officers from Massachusetts, but America's finest aren't taking Ls everywhere. One of the most noteworthy LEOs of the last year just scored a big win for herself.

I assumed we hadn't hear the last of former LaVergne, Tennessee patrolwoman Maegan Hall, who burst onto the national scene not with some high profile bust (though I'm sure hers is impressive), but for her relationship with her coworkers. Several coworkers. Both on duty and off:

Source - [I]t was revealed in December that she 'engaged in a sexual relationship' with at least four male officers.

Fellow patrol officers Juan Lugo-Perez, Lewis Powell, detective Seneca Shields and Sgt. Henry Ty McGowan admitted to the accusations, according to the report, with Shields claiming he had oral sex with Hall in the department's gym while on duty.

Hall, who is married, is also accused of revealing her breast while at a steamy 'family' Memorial Day boat party with patrol officer Patrick Magliocco, who was suspended, and fellow officers David Durham and Eric Staats.

'Magliocco said that Staats, himself, Durham and Hall were in the hot tub when Hall’s top came off' before the two went off to have sex in the bathroom ...

Hall then pulled Magliocco into the restroom and asked if he 'wanted to f***' and then later gave him oral sex when they got off the boat. 

Hall was open about her relationships with the other officers and once bragged to Magliocco about Officer Powell's d*** after performing oral sex on him while on duty, according to the report. 

Before Hall was officially hired on the force, she had met up at Officer McGowan's house with her husband and another female. 

At the time, Hall was a candidate and had taken her clothes off along with the other female.

'Hall’s husband got upset,' the report reads. 'During that visit, McGowan admitted to taking out his penis with Hall in the room and taking a photo of it. He sent that photo to Hall.'

McGowan denied having sex with Hall but revealed explicit photos and videos he received from her. ...

Lugo-Perez initially denied the claims to investigators but later admitted he had sex with Hall while at the Go Cart USA in Murfreesboro. He also confessed to sending and receiving nude images with Hall.

Whatever these shenanigans did or didn't do for morale on the force, they didn't do much for Officer Hall's career. And did no favors for her marriage, either:

This was all early last year, and the story went quiet for a few months while her termination was being litigated. And now we finally have resolution. And we can consider it a big win for her:

Source - Maegan Hall, the only female officer fired in connection to the La Vergne Police Department sex scandal, has reached a $500,000 settlement with the city after dismissing a federal civil rights lawsuit against the department and her former coworkers.

Hall and four other officers were fired in January 2023 after an investigation showed she and other male officers had sex on the job and then lied about it.

The lawsuit filed in February 2023 alleged Hall was a victim of sexual harassment while being groomed for “sexual exploitation.”  …

“Maegan Hall was a vulnerable and optimistic 24-year-old woman who had applied to be a police officer in the City of La Vergne,” the lawsuit said. “Where Ms. Hall sought role models at her new job, she instead found predators.” …

Hall frequently experienced a workplace “permeated with sexual innuendo and sexually explicit behavior.” Some officers, like Powell, repeatedly asked her for sex, putting pressure on her to perform sexual acts, the lawsuit said.

Well all I can say is good for her. As Alexander Hamilton famously put it, "The first duty of society is justice." And justice has been served. A half a million dollars worth of justice. Which is a fair price, agreed upon by all sides without putting the LaVergne community through a painful and costly show trial. 

Let this be a lesson, not just for the members of our Thin Blue Line, but for all workplaces everywhere. A legal standard has been set. You can't just go around having a 24-year-old give you oral in the company gym, flash nip in the hot tub at a "Family" Memorial Day booze cruise, ask if you "want to fuck" in the boat bathroom, give your a blowie once you get off the boat, brag  about your dick size after giving you a hummer at work, have a three-way with you and your wife at your house, bone you at a Go Cart track, all while exchanging nudes and cucking the bejeebers out of her husband. 

You simply can't. If you do, there will be repercussions. Careers will be ruined. Pensions will be lost. And she'll have to settle for a measley $500,000 pay out. Which I imagine can't by you more in suburban Nashville than a 3-bedroom, 2.5 bath Garrison Colonial with a 2-acre lot on a nice Cul-de-sac. 


So take this one to heart, everyone. Especially you LEOs. Be professional. Don't accept offers of windies and trips to the summit of Bone Mountain from a co-worker, no matter how much boob she shows at your work parties. Be a role model. The job is about catching predators not becoming one. It's about sending those who try to groom children to prison. Not grooming adults who have a taxpayer funded badge and gun and the legal power to arrest people. Thus endth the lesson. I hope everybody has learned theirs. Godspeed, Maegan Hall.