
HISTORY: NC State Goes 5 Games In 5 Days Thanks To A Miracle And America's Favorite Big Fella Is In The NCAA Tournament

Let's get right to it. This is fucking awesome. This is why if those moron rich people ever try to expand the NCAA Tournament and ruin conference tournaments I will fight them. I mean it. I will go fisticuffs. Because for the first time ever we had a team in the ACC Tournament go 5 games in 5 days and win the damn thing. Not only that but for the first time since 1987 NC State won the ACC Tournament. First time since this guy

Focus On Sport. Getty Images.

Now I say that and let me scream something. It's a CRIME that NC State won this in Washington D.C. Fuck that. The ACC Tournament belongs in Greensboro, North Carolina. They should have beat UNC in Carolina. It's where the ACC Tournament belongs. Not D.C., not Brooklyn, not anywhere else. Figure it the fuck out! 

And back to NC State. I have no idea how the hell they won this. I could break down schemes, but all I have is miracles and America's favorite Big Fella. The miracle was last night: 

Virginia biffing a bunch of free throws and having no idea how to foul up 3 should cost them a bid to the NCAA Tournament. Not just because of the loss, but because NC State stole a bid. We're up to 3 bid stealers at least now, maybe 4. NC State, the A-10, the AAC and Oregon is up on Colorado as I blog this. See ya, Cavs. 

But my biggest fear is that we lost our first sweetheart

Icon Sportswire. Getty Images.

For the Big Fella

Greg Fiume. Getty Images.


DJ Burns was awesome tonight. So was Horne. But Burns played a ton of minutes and was dropping dimes like he was Escalade (RIP). Dude even hit a three! His first!

This is why we love March. NC State is playing in the Tournament because they got unbelievably hot and lucky for 5 minutes. Plus Kevin Keatts is a winner (his words).