
Antonio Brown Had The Audacity to Call Barstool Sports Bloggers a Bunch of Crackers

First off, Antonio Brown, that's patently incorrect. There's at least one extremely real podcast that would tell you otherwise. Barstool Sports has employees of diverse backgrounds from a wide array of states on the East Coast. As I sit at my desk right now I can hear Ebony screaming from across the office.

If you're not closely monitoring Antonio Brown's unhinged tweets on a daily basis, I highly recommend doing so. If you don't, you run the risk of missing out on moments like this. 

There's nothing the man won't tweet. Or steal. He definitely stole that Caitlin Clark tweet. But my point is you never know what's going to pop up on your timeline when AB is on the internet. He's a roller coaster of a follow. 

Yesterday he was upset about a blog written by man of culture, Jerry Thornton. 

Barstool Sports - I've run out of ways to list just how horrifically, irredeemably gawdawful a person Antonio Brown is. Even if I just limited myself to the times he's gone out of his way to be a depraved, amoral, degenerate hemorrhoid on the butthole of the man who resurrected his career and took him into his own home twice, I'd never run out of examples. In fact, I could link to seemingly dozens of past blogs that have chronicled these very acts by this reprobate. 

I suppose I can see why Antonio is upset by that. Not because Jerry Thornton is incorrect. He's objectively right. But Antonio Brown isn't a man of reason. He's not a man who understands the consequences of actions, or a how saying offensive things about Tom Brady might result in a scathing response from a 54-year old Tom Brady-enthusiast (complete guess on Jerry's age there).

But that's no excuse to make c-word jokes on the internet. How dare you. Watch your mouth Antonio Brown. Don't make me start listing black co-workers who don't know my name and rarely step foot into the office. I'm not afraid to do it (I'm a little afraid to do it). 
