
Cereal CEO Is Telling People To Eat Cereal For Dinner To Save Money And...He's Absolutely Correct

I'm willing to admit that I'm not very well versed in things like "the economy" and "finances". All I know is that every day I walk out my front door, I know I'm coming back home with at least $100 less dollars than I started the day with. Doesn't matter where I go or for how long. $100 just magically disappears. Could be gas, could be groceries, could just vanish out of thin air. I work from home and even some days if I don't leave the house, I'm at least down $60 for some random subscription service that just pops up on my statement. 

So far be it from me to judge the Kellog's CEO's statements based on the financial aspect of things. I can't tell you if a Cereal For Dinner budget is going to radically improve your bank account. 

What I am an expert in, however, is eating cereal. I'm what they would call a Cereal Killer. I'll dominate an entire box of cereal in a single day if you let me. Breakfast, little mid morning snack, a quick lunch, something to hold you over before dinner, cereal for dinner if I'm home alone and the wife and kids are out of the house, cereal for a late night snack. Doesn't matter the time of day, I'm always down to house a bowl of C. 

So while I don't know if Cereal For Dinner is going to have a massive impact on your bank account, I can tell you for certain that it is going to impact your way of living. It is going to bring you immense joy and pleasure. You'll be free from the shackles that society has placed on you to eat hot meals for dinner. You'll be free from having to look at the menu of your local pizza shop and see that 10 chicken wings cost $63 these days. You may not get as much nutritional value in a bowl of cereal as you would with some chicken and a vegetable medley. But I can guarantee you that after your 3rd or 4th bowl of cereal for dinner, you're not going to regret the decision. 

P.S. -- Raisin Bran Crunch. That's the way. 
