

Never Vape in the middle of the Bwindi Impenetrable forest. It's not worth it; you will get attacked by hyper-aggressive African Wasps that will make your whole head swell up and keep you from the gorillas. They mocked me and did not heed my warnings. The Spanish tourists we were with got absolutely attacked, and they were vaping like chimneys. 

I couldn't believe how good the first video from this series came out but Donny outdid himself on this one. Perfectly encapsulates the craziness from that long ass 12 mile trek. 

You will not be disappointed in this video. Come venture deep into the jungle with us as we look for Mountain Gorillas. It has been a fantastic trip into the unknown and a great start to the series; we haven't even gotten to the football part. Also, besides not vaping, I was wearing this bug spray that allowed me to be the only person not stung in the group. This stuff freaking worked, and I offered it to everyone before the hike but they said no. 

Also, if you break your ankle and have to hike to find gorillas and play in a football game, Prednisone and Tylenol get that shit done. Also, as much as BPC-157 you can do before the trip.

Join us next week for the first day of practice where we build a team from legit scratch.