
Yelp 'Elites' Have Voted A Chicago Deep Dish Place As The Best Pizza In America

YELP - What’s the most popular pizza for 2024? Detroit-style pies have been trending among Yelpers, with a 26% increase in searches from 2022 to 2023. Chicago-style pizzas also top our community’s pizza lists, rising 18% in searches during that same time frame. It’s no wonder then, that Chi-Town’s Pequod’s Pizzeria hit the #1 spot this year.

Forget about the pizza situation for a second because we need to talk immediately about how there's a thing that exists called 'Yelp Elites'. I did some digging and apparently it's just Yelpers who send in their full verified name, a picture of themself, and a self nomination of why they think they qualify to be part of the team.

I'd like to shit on it more in this paragraph, but in a world where so many damn people are craving to be a movie, skin care, food, etc critic it actually isn't as insufferable as I thought it'd be. 

What is horrendous though is Yelp choosing to call the club 'Yelp Elites'. Makes the damn Panera Sip Clubbers sound like members of Jax Teller's Samcro Motorcycle club in comparison.  It's just truly asking to be shit on and I work for a company that was once home to the illustrious Barstool Gold.

Anyways, good for Pequod's.

Is it the best pizza in America? Probably not.

Is it a really good pizza place in Chicago? Absolutely.

Kinda brings me to the question that Danny and I talked about in the video above though. Chicagoans will get thin crust tavern style 9 outta 10 times, but how many times are we getting deep dish a year?

He says the over/under should be 2.5 and I say it should be about 6.5 solely based on the fact that a lot of people will do a 1 and 1 with deep dish and thin crust. Get the best of both worlds with a little munch rotation, but I'm interested to hear your thoughts if you grew up in Chicago or a neighboring suburb.