
Relatable: 49ers OL Jon Feliciano Says He Completely Threw Teammate Under The Bus Because Woke Up Hungover And Was "Being A Bitch"

Steph Chambers. Getty Images.

The San Francisco 49ers had their hearts ripped out of their chest and shoved right back up their own ass in Super Bowl LVIII on Sunday night. This is a team that didn't even prepare for the possibility of the game going to overtime, so you can imagine how unprepared they were to deal with the loss.

The season was over and 49ers OL Jon Feliciano decided to wash the taste of defeat out of his mouth with some booze. Now most of us have all had that paralyzing sense of dread when waking up the next morning after a night filled of drinking everything in sight. You're crippled with anxiety of what you could have either done or said last night to make a fool of yourself. Your body feels like you got ran over by a bus, your brain feels like a shriveled up piece of crispy bacon, you can't even process the idea of functioning like an actual human being for the next 3-5 business days. That hangover has you in a dark, dark spot. 

And that's precisely where Jon Feliciano was when he threw his teammate, Spencer Burford, under the bus for allowing Chris Jones to get a free shot on Brock Purdy in overtime. 


Damn. Imagine being Spencer Burford. You just suffered the worst loss of your career, but luckily you're an offensive lineman and nobody is none of the major media outlets are really talking about you. They're all blaming the loss on the fact that Pat Mahomes is potentially the best quarterback to ever play the game. They're all blaming the loss on the fact that half your team didn't even know the rules for overtime. You might have lost the game, but at least you're avoiding having to shoulder any of the blame yourself. 

And then BAM! You log on to the artist formerly known as Twitter and see your own damn teammate throwing you under the bus like that. You were supposed to block Chris Jones, you didn't, and now you're getting NFC Champion rings next season instead of Super Bowl rings. It be your own damn people sometimes. But don't worry, Jon Feliciano was just egregiously hungover and tweeting through it. 

That's just one of those hungover moments where you wish you could throw your phone in the river and go off the grid for a few weeks. 

Chances are this is already water under the bridge for these guys, but I'd love nothing more than the 49ers locker room start to completely unravel thanks to a few hungover tweets. 

Sidenote: This exchange ended up starting a whole new thing between Jon Feliciano and Jalen Carter. It's a whole he said/he said type of situation so I don't even know what to do with it. Most likely both of these guys are in the wrong in some way or another. But since Jalen Carter is an Eagle, I have his side. 
