
The Buffalo Bills are Now Trolling Themselves So We Don't Have To

You may be one of the literally hundreds of millions of Americans suffering from moderate-to-severe Chiefs Dynasty Syndrome. If so, the days and weeks ahead will be especially difficult. With a parade, dozens of talk show appearances, awards show presentations, celebrity gossip articles, and the like. On top of the usual assortment of insurance commercials for bundling Mahomes and Maauto, which are inescapable and will make you consider taking out a sizeable Malife policy for your loved ones and hope for the sweet release of death. 

If that's you, I empathize. We're all in this together, to one extent or another. But if you can, try to take solace in the fact you are not a member of the Bills Mafia. Who are suffering this disease worse than any of us. Bear in mind how this was supposed to be their time. After decades of waiting for a winner capable of not only capturing the AFC East title that eluded them for generations, but getting them back to a Super Bowl. But which has had the misfortune of peaking just as Kansas City was:

And understand it's worse on them than anyone else. Because they came so close they came to ending Chiefs run for all of us:

And now? Such is the depth of the despair in Buffalo, that they're leaning into that pain. Either intentionally or accidentally. Advertently or inadvertently. Consciously or subconsciously. The Bills have taken it upon themselves to post a self own for the ages on their own X account:

After looking at this for now the 10th time, I'm giving the Bills too much credit, right? This can't be accidental, inadvertent or unconscious. There can be only interpretation of this image. OK, maybe a strict Freudian would look at the Lombardi and see a penis. But every other sentient being immediately sees where it's located and hears the same two words in their head. 


And it's not as if Buffalo's social media team hasn't put together a similar image every year at this time. But none of them had the trophy in the Wide Right position:

Until now. Until it could cause them the most pain and suffering. You might want to give them the benefit of the doubt and call it self-deprecating humor. But no. It's not that. It's a form of masochism at this point. This is what squandering the best years of the Josh Allen Era has done to their psyche. And squander them is exactly what they've done. Because to get here, they maxed out on their credit card and now the Buffalo bill is due:

Oh well. At least it was fun while it lasted. But as long as they're going to start trolling themselves, it's going to take some of the fun out of it for those of us who make our livings this way.