
These Awesome Videos Of "Soft Ground Wrestling" In Uganda Have Me Ready To Hop On The Next Flight To Africa

Hey uh, Donnie and Billy - you got any work trips to Africa coming up?! 


I may wanna tag along next time, because while I've been to well over a hundred wrestling shows in my life - from the smallest bingo halls and backyards you could imagine to the grandest stage of all, WrestleMania - I've never seen anything quite like Soft Ground Wrestling in Uganda. 

I know that a Barstool blogger describing something as "electric" is as tired as Trevor Noah hosting award shows at this point, but you can't tell me those clips aren't fucking electric. These fellas are beating the shit out of each other and taking insane bumps on the ground in matches that are five-star classics, and whether there's a couple dozen people around the ring or just a handful, the audience are always LOSING THEIR MINDS for them! They're the perfect crowd! Booing the heels, cheering the faces, gasping at high spots and false finishes - it legitimately looks like a blast to watch a match ringside.

As far as I know, Soft Ground Wrestling seemed to blow up around the Royal Rumble, when they brilliantly named their show the most searched term on the internet for wrestling fans: "Royal rumble 2024 results wwe"

Plenty of wrestlers and people in the industry saw that tweet and gave these guys and girls props….


….and now they're blowing up all over social media! Wrestling accounts are clipping their matches, multiple people have offered to send a ring down there, and Joey Janela even wants to fly himself down to get into the next Uganda Rumble!

Getting these guys a ring is probably smart, both for their bodies/skillset (I bet they'll turn into great wrestlers), but there's something about the bumps in the dirt that is just incredible. If they do eventually get a real squared circle, I hope the "Ground Match" is their Hell in a Cell or something - reserved for only the best feuds and biggest matches. It's too good to do away with completely. 

Oh, and check this out - Soft Ground Wrestling have already voiced their support for Cody Rhodes over The Rock in this whole WrestleMania main event saga….

It'll be very interesting to see how RAW goes tonight after a weekend full of "#WeWantCody" taking over social media. 


Nate and I were talking about it in the office today, and agreed that this is already feeling eerily similar to the groundswell of support for Daniel Bryan exactly ten years ago before WrestleMania XXX (30 not porn) when he was getting fucked and tossed into the Wyatt Family. Remember that?

Ugh. Yuck. At least the segment where he got to leave the Wyatt Family ruled….

(Not-So-Fun Fact: Daniel Bryan suffered a concussion in that steel cage match and remembers none of this)

I suspect we'll be hearing "We Want Cody" chants all night. Will they pivot and make that part of the story, or stay the course and ignore it completely?