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We Need To Stop The "Patrick Mahomes Has A Dad Bod" Dialogue In This Country Right This Instant Before It Gets Out Of Hand

No. Absolutely fucking not. 

This shot of Patrick Mahomes has been floating around the internet, and in no way can we allow the term "belly boy" to be thrown around when discussing Mahomes' physique. 

Patrick Mahomes is currently one of the most dominant athletes on the planet. Sure, he doesn't have 5% body fat and completely shredded abs. But "belly boy"? Get the fuck out of here. That's still a guy who takes his shirt off at the pool with zero hesitation. A guy who doesn't have to worry about specific shirts bunching up a little too much and making him look way more like a unit than he actually is. A guy who isn't crippled with anxiety over the idea of a shirts vs skins pickup basketball game and ending up on the skins team. 

If Patrick Mahomes is "belly boy", then just what in the heck does that make the rest of us? I'm sorry, but we can't allow that to happen. Cut that shit out right now. We can't just make the jump from shredded beyond belief to "belly boy". There are at least 5 different stages between. Makes me sick to think about what these unrealistic body standards will do to young men in this country. 
