
Apparently People Order Mayo On Their Bacon Egg & Cheese Sandwiches And I Couldn't Be More Disgusted

I was absolutely disgusted. I am still disgusted. I actually thought I couldn't be more disgusted and then I started reading the replies, and now I am literally sick to my stomach. 


A few wackjobs even weighed in with other sauces and suggestions : 

another maniac wants lettuce and tomato … 


Excuse me while I puke. 

MAYO? We're normalizing fucking mayo on an egg sandwich? And for all you chefs and rocket scientists yes I know mayo is made from eggs. That doesn't mean you put it on an egg sandwich … I also think this wouldn't bother me so much if it was in Bowling Green, OH. The fact that it happened in NYC … where breakfast sandwiches are sacred makes it that much worse. It's like watching 100 year old tradition be torn down right in front of your eyes. I'm just as disappointed as I am upset. I'm also just as angry as I am disgusted that people normalize this. How did we get here as a society. 

Absolutely disgusting …and I can't understand that I'm being painted as the weird one here. THIS IS NOT A NORMAL ORDER! NOR SHOULD IT EVER BE! DO NOT NORMALIZE MAYO ON A BACON EGG AND CHEESE!"