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Of All The Videos Of Gross Ass Shit On NYC Subways, This Might Be The Literal Grossest

Warning: Pretty gross, just a warning

There's two express buses I can take into work from Staten Island. One drops me about 8-9 blocks away where I walk to work from the stop. Never mind that especially in the fall and spring. In the summer and winter it might as well be the Bataan Death March. Brutally hot, or brutally cold. I'm in shambles. The other bus is one that drops me in lower manhattan where I walk a block to the train and take a 10 minute subway ride to the stop literally outside of the office doors. Everyday I pray I catch the bus with the 8-9 block walk knowing that going on the subway will be a battle of what kind of skeevy shit I will see that day. Whether it's someone taking a shit, someone flipping out, or the 6-7 other million characters riding the rails ... you just always are uneasy down there. 

Now I'm not some sissy who can't take the occasional rat, or one of the elitists who refuses to take a subway because it's beneath them. But everyone has a line, and shit like this makes me literally think about never taking the subway again. Just an absolute nightmare fest. And the sick thing is the gross part isn't that there's 574854498339 rats in one location it's that there's a human being under there. Just the thought of that many rats being near me skeeves me out, and this person has that many literally on them and doesn't flinch? Gross. Also, who's this lunatic with the camera even trying to get near a blanket you can clearly see moving? Rule #1 in NYC... head down and mind your business. 

Rats ... the worst. 

Wonder who was under the blanket .... I have one guess.