
Warner Bros. Is Ruining The Sopranos By Releasing 25 Second Versions Of Each Episode On TikTok

This is such a terrible idea that it can only come from the current leadership of Warner Bros. To shrink down the greatest television show ever into 25 second clips is the equivalent of cutting the Mona Lisa into tiny pieces. The greatest part about The Sopranos is in the little moments. Each episode and character is so rich, there are often too many details even in the hour run time of each episode. That's why the show so imminently rewatchable. I've done several rewatches of the entire show and pick up so many new things with each viewing. 

Check out this bastardization of the greatest episode of the first season: College.

This is worse than CliffNotes. The suspense of both Tony chasing the rat and Carmela and the priest? Gone. The character development of Meadow seeing how complicated her father really is? Gone. Carmela feeling scorned by the priest? Gone. It's wiped away in a meaningless clip. The worst thing is you know some people will watch this shit and think they've seen and understand The Sopranos.

I'm sure there is an element to Old Man Yells At Cloud about all of this. I really don't hate TikTok. I think it can be perfect for a certain type of original content. I will always be against ripping up a movie or tv show to fit a bite size space. Clips are perfect for TikTok. If you are a fan of a certain show and see a clip you love, that can be a fun boost of nostalgia and why you may love a specific show or movie.

Giphy Images.

It's different thing to trim down an episode like you know more than the show creator. This isn't just about something great like The Sopranos. I'd think this was bullshit even if it was something terrible like The Big Bang Theory. To strip anything down is to rob it of its true identity. Leave it the current leadership of Warner Bros. to not be a proper caretaker of one of its greatest properties and instead treat it like a 1998 Toyota Camry at the old chop shops by Citi Field.

Is this the future? With content getting shorter and shorter, will they will turn all of our favorite things into tiny clips getting rid of any of the things that make something great? This is worse than the shitty colorization they tried to do to black and white movies in the 80's and that was awful. Leave art alone. Don't try to change or edit or ruin something that already exists. Let greatness be.