
Ohio State Lost To Missouri In The Cotton Bowl. Ohio State Scored 3 Points. Ohio State Is Dead

Is this really where we've fallen to? Not too long ago was I in Dallas, Texas on this very night, watching my Buckeyes beat Oregon to finish off the National Championship. Our team was more talented, better coached, and tougher than everyone we faced. And most importantly, we couldn't lose to Michigan if we tried. Fast forward to tonight, and we've lost 3 straight games to Michigan, and we lost to fucking the fucking....Cotton Bowl....where we scored 3 points. Anyone got any cyanide? I'd rather not feel this pain.

I mean, where do I begin? Our offensive line got beat like a drum. Our coach looked like a 5-year old calling plays. Our quarterbacks flat out SUCKED. And we scored 3 fucking points. I'll say this: I feel bad for Devin Brown. He sucks, but I feel bad for him as a human with how excited he was to finally get a chance to lead this team...and then he got hurt. Not before we found out he fucking sucks though. I don't even blame Devin Brown, honestly. I blame 3rd base Ryan Day. How impressive is it that Ryan Day found the 3 top 100 QBs that all fucking suck and signed them all? Kudos to you, Ryan Day. A true eye for talent. A true mind for development. An excellent leader of games where you're 30 point favorites. But give us an even matchup and you get embarrassed every single time. And don't tell me that we were on our 3rd string quarterback either. You know what Urban Meyer did with his 3rd string QB.....?

Jamie Squire. Getty Images.

We've lost our edge. We've lost our toughness. We've lost our competitive fire. We dance before games now instead of lining up, one on one, man on man, and fighting each other. We get more TikTok views though!!

I hate what this program has become. I've never been more concerned with Ohio State football in my 30 years on this planet as I am right now. And are we really not going to the portal….? I don't want Will Howard. I want a fucking Braxton Miller. A Justin Fields. A Dwayne Haskins. A JT Barrett. A WINNER!!!!What a fucking joke of a football game that was. We lost 14-3 to Missouri, lol. I can't even believe it. I keep blinking, thinking this isn't real. It seems like just yesterday that I was storming the field in Columbus as we laughed at those dumb fucks from Michigan for thinking this would be the year they finally beat us. Now the roles are completely reversed. We are the jokes.

I wish I'd had realized we were in the good old days before they ended. Ohio State is dead.

**Marvin Harrison Jr should've won the Heisman by a million votes. The fact that THAT is what our offense looks like without him is fucking embarassing.