
Shit Talking, Losing His Mind, Throws That Leave You Speechless - Last Night Was Everyone's Welcome To The Will Levis Experience

I have fought people in this company (Brandon, Big T). I have fought people on Twitter. I have argued with love ones. And it's all about one man typically. Will Levis. A man who transferred to Kentucky, won over the fanbase, won 10 games in year 1 before getting hurt in year 2 and then falling to the Titans. 

Now, why do I love him? Simple. He wore blue and white and everything that happened last night. Last night was a welcome to Will Levis experience for anyone and everyone who watched the game. It's what he did at Kentucky and it's what he's going to do in the NFL. In other words, he'll be just fine. You see, the Levis experience is one that is all over the place. He leaves you with throws like this just shaking your head

Yeah that'll happen. Trust me, it'll happen again in a couple weeks. But you know what else he'll do? Throws like this. 

Or lowers his shoulder to take on a defender

Or goes into complete crazy mode and fires everyone up


If you're a Titans fan you fall in love with him, it's that simple. Sure, he'll piss you off with a brutal pick 6 but then win your heart right back. If you're a fan of another team, well, be prepared. He will talk shit, he will make you scream and smash things. 

He's more than just a mayo guy.  He's more than the guy who fell in the green room while everyone looked for his girlfriend and sisters. The dude can play. Last night was just the full Will Levis experience wrapped up. You think he's awful after a pick 6 before coming back and making big throw after big throw. Good night to be a guy who played at Kentucky.