
Tacko Fall Has Fully Transformed Into The Bully Of China's Basketball League, Won't Stop Terrorizing Short Men Across The World

I know dunk blogs can be played out, but this is way more than just a dunk blog. This is Tacko Fall's transformation to the Shaq of the CBA. I'm not talking about the Suns-era Shaq or Celtics or Cavs or something like that. Not even talking about the Heat era. This is old school Shaq. I'm talking Magic, early Lakers going on out here. Tacko Fall didn't have THIS in his game at UCF or sitting on NBA benches. Sure, he could dunk, he's tall as shit. But decking someone and staring them down? He's unlocked a terrifying new part. 

But we gotta talk about the real star of the show here. What is that dude doing? I know, I know. You should never shame a guy for trying on defense when he gets dunked on. But, uh, what are the odds he does something to bother or block Tacko here? Less than 1% at best? Poor dude went FLYING to the ground. No foul either. I don't want to hear push off, this is just a good old fashioned dunk. 

I don't know where Donnie stands with China and the CBA these days, but we gotta get him and Billy stopping over there to see Tacko. Plus Tacko now plays for the Najing Tongxi Monkey Kings which is just an AWESOME name. Oh you guys have a bunch of bird names in the NFL? That's cute. Monkey Kings is where it's at. Plus their logo is sick - at least according to Wikipedia. 

Anywho, gotta feel bad for our short guy there who thought he was making an athletic, smart decision just to end up on the ground hurt. It's Tacko's league fella.